Page 6 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - April 2024
P. 6
6 L.A.’S Wackiest Spiritual/UFO Convention
‘It’s a lot of UFO stuff ECLIPSE TRIVIA 6. Animals Behave Strangely: During
totality, animals often behave as if
and a lot of healing’: Canadian News Network
nightfall has arrived. Birds may go to
Inside roost, nocturnal animals such as bats
1. Solar Corona: Only during a total
L.A.’s wackiest solar eclipse can the solar corona be might become active, and some report
cows returning to their barns.
spiritual convention observed with the naked eye. This
gaseous outer layer of the sun, which
7. Eclipse Chasers: There is a group of
extends millions of kilometers into space,
enthusiasts known as "umbraphiles" or
is obscured by the bright solar disk at all
eclipse chasers who travel to remote
Continued from Page 5 other times.
places to witness the few minutes of
totality during a solar eclipse.
2. Saros Cycle: Eclipses follow an 18-
Feeling isolated, she began publicly year, 11-day cycle known as the Saros 8. Speed of the Shadow: The shadow of
sharing her experience on social media cycle, after which a nearly identical the moon travels at different speeds as it
and at conferences to lift the fear around eclipse will occur. However, because of crosses the Earth during an eclipse. It can
aliens and connect with other abductees. the third of a day in the cycle, observation move faster than 1,000 miles per hour
Now, she sees it as part of her mission to points shift west by about 120 degrees. across the surface of the Earth near the
help fellow starseeds wake up and find equator and slower towards the poles.
their mission. 3. Diamond Ring Effect: Just before
totality, when a single bead of sunlight
9. Temperature Drop: During a total
“We’re all here to make the planet remains visible, a bright spot appears solar eclipse, the temperature can fall by
better,” she said. “We’re all needed.” next to the darkened moon, creating 10 degrees Fahrenheit or more, giving a
what’s commonly referred to as the
brief respite on a hot day.
It’s a universal message of affirmation “diamond ring effect.”
that has come in many different packages 10. Historical Record Keeping:
at the Expo since its inception, and one 4. Baily's Beads: As the moon moves to Chronicles of solar eclipses have been
that many still need to hear today. cover the sun completely, the rugged used to date historical events. For
lunar landscape allows beads of sunlight
instance, a solar eclipse mentioned in
Back at the opening ceremony, the robe- to shine through in some places and not Assyrian texts is used to fix the date of a
clad Moore — an astrologer who has in others. These are known as Baily's battle described by the Greek historian
helped run the Expo since its beginning Beads, after Francis Baily who first Herodotus, helping historians to align
— described the convention as a portal provided their explanation in 1836. dates in ancient history.
that would help attendees step into a
whole new experience of their lives. 5. Shadow Bands: Just before and after 11. First Photograph: The first
totality, shimmering, wavy lines of
photograph of a solar eclipse was taken
“This is our family, this is our tribe, these alternating light and dark can be observed on July 28, 1851, by a Prussian
are our kindred spirits,” she said. “You on the ground and on white surfaces. photographer named Johann Julius
can’t get this energy anywhere else.” [] These "shadow bands" are caused by the Friedrich Berkowski. []
sun's extended light source being filtered
through Earth’s turbulent atmosphere.