Page 14 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - April 2024
P. 14
14 Silicon Valley’s Flying Saucer Man
The Forgotten Legend of
Silicon Valley’s Flying
Saucer Man
Continued from Page 13
For a time, his work paid off. Shortly
after he moved to Berkeley, Calif., in
1936, his pieces began to appear in the
Oakland Museum of California and the
Smithsonian American Art Museum. But
when World War II began, the market
dried up and Weygers began to struggle
again. At 40, and by then a U.S. citizen,
he joined the U.S. Army and served two
years in an intelligence unit, translating
messages written in Malay, Dutch,
Italian, and German. By the time he
received a discharge at the end of 1943, recycle. He began building a structure saying the vehicle appeared sound but too
he was refocused on his old Discopter that looked like the cap of a mushroom— advanced for the time. (It would need
design, thinking it could replace the a hobbit’s lair in the Carmel Valley. It was lighter-weight materials and more
helicopter, which he considered “an circular, with curved sides. Weygers efficient propulsion systems.) Most of the
unfinished piece of engineering.” described it as a “geodesic dome gone letters were disappointing. “Our technical
wild.” Every hinge, handle, nut, and bolt people have reviewed this design and
Weygers saw the Discopter as a way to he needed was forged by hand. He stated they have no interest,” one U.S. Air
help U.S. soldiers as well as his family in decided to leave the knotty wood exterior Force colonel wrote. “Your
the Dutch Indies, many of whom had unfinished to match the landscape. A thoughtfulness in bringing this to the
been put in concentration camps by thick, flat roof covered the structure, and attention of the Air Force is appreciated.”
Japanese troops. He imagined Discopters lichen took root along its edges. The end
flying quietly behind enemy lines to product blended into its surroundings, In 1947 a flurry of stories appeared in the
perform rescue missions. After a short, looking almost as if the forest itself had popular press, discussing UFO sightings
unhappy stint at Northrop Aviation in Los produced it. and carrying the flying saucer into
Angeles, where he worried that his mainstream consciousness. The Chicago
colleagues might steal the idea, Weygers Near the house, Weygers also built an art Sun ran one in June of that year with the
moved to Carmel Valley with his second studio and a blacksmith shop. Then he headline “Supersonic Flying Saucers
wife, Marian Gunnison. An Army buddy created a darkroom underground for Sighted By Idaho Pilot”; Newsweek and
had bequeathed him several acres in his developing photos. The yard around these Life published pieces along these lines
will, so, with gasoline rations still in structures soon overflowed with within a week of each other that July.
effect, the couple motored 350 miles scavenged objects. “It looked like a There seemed to be a flying saucer
north in a 1928 Ford Model A retooled by junkyard,” says Rob Talbott, who grew outbreak across the U.S.
Weygers to run on steam from burning up nearby. “He had old vehicles, steel,
wood and kerosene. They didn’t see wood, and wheels. He’d save anything, Tales of mysterious flying objects date
another driver the whole way. because he’d reuse it.” To that point, to medieval times, and other inventors
Weygers was known to turn auto springs and artists had produced images of disk-
The legend of Alexander Weygers began into chisels, axles into hammers; a shaped crafts. Henri Coanda, a Romanian
to take shape on this hilly, wooded 3-acre dentist’s chair became a contraption that inventor, even built a flying saucer in the
plot. For months, he and Marian slept in let him raise and lower hunks of marble 1930s that looked similar to what we now
a tent he’d built and stayed alive on with the tap of his toe. think of as the classic craft from outer
dandelion soup and gopher stew. They space. Historians suspect that the designs
managed to coax some bees into hives After settling in, Weygers turned back to of Coanda and Weygers, floating around
built with scrap lumber and traded the the Discopter. The feds granted him in the public sphere, combined with the
honey in town for other goods. “We were Patent No. 2,377,835A in June 1945. He postwar interest in sci-fi technology to
like Adam and Eve,” Marian later hoped to gift the patent to the U.S. create an atmosphere that gave rise to a
recalled. “We had no neighbors. It was so military and then try to commercialize sudden influx of UFO sightings. Then, in
dark at night, and we’d just lie there and the technology. He assembled large the 1950s, NASA and other companies
watch shooting star after shooting star.” binders of information about the and organizations actually attempted to
Discopter and mailed them off to build vertical takeoff and landing
Eventually, Weygers set to work on a branches of the military, airplane makers, (VTOL) vehicles with saucerlike designs.
house that would become iconic. He helicopter makers, and even carmakers to
foraged in dumps for logs, metal, gauge interest. He received a handful of (Continued on Page 15)
bathtubs, sinks, and window frames to encouraging notes back, with engineers